Sodalite baoding balls on a display stand

Sodalite Baoding Balls

Sodalite is the stone of writers and poets and is known for its ability to enhance creativity, especially with words, and to ease clear communication. It is also known as the Stone of Truth. It makes an excellent stone for those involved in research or scholarly activity as well as those who write for a living. Sodalite also has a reputation for shielding your psychic field from others who may wish to steal your ideas or creations.

Metaphysical Applications of Sodalite

As a Stone of Truth, Sodalite enables the conscious and the unconscious mind to form a connection leading to a much deeper level of self-knowledge. Truths that may have become hidden from ourselves, particularly uncomfortable or undesirable truths, are brought forward into the light so that we can examine our shadow side and begin to transmute it. It also supports us in doing this without shame or judgement. Sodalite disperses angry and negative feelings, especially those directed at the self, and empowers us to release phobias, feelings of guilt and any tendencies we have towards rigid, controlling behaviors.

Sodalite is an ideal stone for those who are defensive, impulsive or subject to anxiety and panic attacks. It helps to stabilize the mind and facilitate a move from emotional to rational responses when this is needed. It makes a good palm stone to encourage calm behavior and when placed on the Third Eye it amplifies intellectual understanding and clearer perspectives.
It is an excellent stone for women because its energies and vibrations are aligned with the Divine Feminine. It has been known to assist with hormonal imbalances associated with menopause, and may increase fertility in those of childbearing age.

Place Sodalite on or near electronic devices such as computers to block their negative emanations and to help clear the smog of electromagnetic pollution that causes “sick building” syndrome.

Feng Shui and Sodalite

Sodalite is aligned with Water Energy in Chinese Five Element Theory, and brings the qualities of stillness, tranquility and quiet strength to the areas in which it is placed. Water is yielding and formless, yet also persistent and powerful. These qualities ensure that your career and life flows constantly forward in balance and harmony. Place Sodalite in the north area of your home or workplace to prevent stagnation of thought or action.

Using Sodalite to Enhance Spiritual Awareness

Sodalite is useful for enhancing the deep thinking aspect of developing your spirituality. In spiritual matters it is important to maintain a balance between intuition and “blind faith” and the more analytical, intellectual aspect of your practice. Sodalite has the extraordinary ability to unite logic with intuition and proves to be an effective guide on Shamanic journeys or travel on the astral planes.

Sodalite presents ideas calmly, often through symbolic imagery, and stimulates thought and creative interpretation of ideas arising from the subconscious.
It has a natural affinity with the Third Eye Chakra, so you may it useful to employ Sodalite as an aid to developing clairvision, clairaudience, claircognizance and clairsentience. It is particularly helpful to Tarot readers, astrologers and numerologists.

Healing with Sodalite

Sodalite can be used effectively to treat the symptoms of menopause and PMS, to reduce fevers and inflammation of the organs such as sinuses and vocal chords and to enhance the body’s ability to absorb calcium from foods.

It is also a purifier of the lymphatic system and organs.

Rose quartz baoding balls on a display stand

Rose Quartz Baoding Balls

Rose quartz is the stone of love. Its delicate pink hues are delightful to look at as to wear as jewelry and its vibration is that of universal, unconditional love, making it a reassuring and comforting crystal. Rose quartz restores harmony and trust in relationships. It helps the wearer to promote self-love and to release feelings of unworthiness or self-criticism.

Metaphysical Applications of Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz dispels negativity and is a good protective stone to use in the workplace, especially if you are exposed to artificial light and to computers and other technological devices. It is a mothering crystal, meaning that it has a very nurturing vibration that brings comfort and reassurance to new mothers, babies and to anyone who has lost their own mother. It can be used to strengthen the bonds of love between mother and baby. 

Rose Quartz is the stone to use if you wish to enhance your enjoyment of the sensual aspect of your relationship as it is a powerful aphrodisiac and promotes feelings of love, connection and pleasure in the physical aspects of adult relationships.  Rose Quartz will also be of benefit to you if you wish to heal your heart following the ending of a relationship. Its gentle, yet powerful, vibration of universal love brings comfort and hope to anyone who is feeling betrayed or abandoned. It will help to re-establish trust if this is an issue for you and will also comfort and support you if you decide that you need to end a relationship for the highest good of all involved. 

Rose quartz is excellent for use in a crisis or following trauma of any kind. It amplifies the vibrations of compassion and empathy and also aids in the acceptance of necessary change. If you are sensitive to the negative vibrations of others you will find that rose quartz provides protection against unwanted intrusions of others into your energy field.  

Feng Shui and Rose Quartz

The relationship corner of your house is in the southwest and it is especially beneficial to place rose quartz in this area. If you wish to attract love into your home place twin pieces of rose quartz on a small altar or shrine in the southwest part of the house. 

Rose Quartz is aligned with, and utilizes a subdued fire energy in terms of feng shui. Fire energy is the energy of passion, enthusiasm, brightness, warmth, activity and illumination. Bringing all of these attributes into your home, or your workplace will enhance your life in very positive ways. Rose quartz in the bedroom stimulates sensuality and passion. 

Using Rose Quartz to Enhance Spiritual Awareness

Spiritually, rose quartz is an excellent stone to use to help you establish a connection with the divine. It is the crystal associated with the heart chakra and with the archangel Chamuel, angel of divine love. It is feminine in tone, and has a natural affinity with Gaia, the Earth Mother, so it will aid in any work you may be doing to connect to the planet for your own healing and for the healing of the earth. 

The vibrations of rose quartz can penetrate down to the cellular level so it is very beneficial for reprogramming cells for joy and health. The qualities of rose quartz is powerful enough to dissolve anger and resentment, fear and suspicion, as long as you set the intention to do so. It will help to restore faith in the benevolence of the universe and will help to restore and strengthen a wavering faith or a tendency towards despair. 

Healing with Rose Quartz

Rose quartz, unsurprisingly, is very beneficial for the heart and circulatory system. It can hasten recovery from illness, help to balance blood pressure, and aid in the alleviation of breathing problems. It aids in the alleviation of tension and stress and also in the treatment of irregular heart beat or palpitations. It is often used to clear impurities from the cells of the body and in supporting the function of the kidneys and adrenals. 

Rose quartz is a good stone to turn to if you are trying to conceive a child as it is believed to have the power to increase fertility. It is particularly supportive of the female reproductive organs. 

Other uses for rose quartz include rubbing a polished stone on the skin to soothe burns and mixing into an elixir with oil and water to form a treatment for clearing the skin and promoting a soft complexion. 

Fancy jasper baoding balls on a bamboo display stand

Fancy Jasper Baoding Balls

Chiming Balls: No
2 balls per set

Large size comes with a carry pouch. Medium size comes with a display stand.

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