Malachite baoding balls on a display stand

Malachite Orgonite Baoding Balls

Malachite is a stone of transformation, making it ideal for those working on spiritual growth. It also has a deep and abiding connection with the natural kingdoms of plants, animals and minerals of the earth. Malachite heals on all levels and is very good for drawing out impurities and stimulating the life force energy throughout the body.

Metaphysical Properties of Malachite 

On a metaphysical level malachite is especially useful for absorbing negative vibrations from the atmosphere. It is also able to guard against radiation of all kinds, including the waves given off by computers and other electronic devices. Malachite is a good companion for travelers, especially those who are flying and feeling apprehensive or fearful. It helps to overcome anxiety, especially if you call upon Archangel Raphael to protect you, and will soothe feelings of jet lag after long haul flights. 

Use malachite to show you what may be blocking your spiritual growth. Placing a piece of the stone on your throat during meditation or relaxation will help you to recognize psychosomatic cause of physical ailments and then to break unwanted ties to past actions or events. It will also encourage the expression of feelings, alleviate shyness, support friendships and instill empathy, especially if you frequently wear a choker or necklace of the crystal. Using this stone also brings emotional strength and confidence to those who are unsure of their place in the universe. 

Feng Shui and Malachite

Green Malachite is aligned with Wood Energy in feng shui terms, meaning that it encourages new beginnings and supports vigorous growth. Place pieces of this stone in the East and Southeast areas of the home to promote prosperity and abundance. 

Malachite to Enhance Spiritual Awareness

The pure green rays of energy with which green malachite is associated mean that it is strongly connected to the heart chakra. This chakra needs frequent clearing in the vast majority of people in order to open us up to the possibilities of both earthly and divine love in our lives. 

Malachite also has the ability to serve different purposes for different people. If you are involved in humanitarian and ecological projects, Malachite will help you in your work to ground the higher energies into the planet to aid in this work. If you are working with purification on a spiritual level, malachite can act as a powerful cleanser or purgative in order to rid the body and mind of harmful or negative frequencies that may be holding back your spiritual growth. It can act as a mirror to the subconscious mind, reflecting anything that needs to be cleansed or removed back into the conscious mind where it can be dealt with 

Healing Energy of Malachite 

Malachite is sometimes referred to as The Midwife Stone because of its affinity with the female sexual and reproductive organs. It is believed to help to ease the pain of menstruation and alleviate the symptoms of menopause. 

It is known for its ability to bring blood pressure into balance and to relieve cold seats, malarial fevers, trembling and rheumatic pain. It is also a diuretic stone and can be effective in the treatment of disorders of the bladder and kidneys, including kidney and gallstones. 

Malachite will help to fight travel sickness, dizziness and vertigo as well as epilepsy. It strengthens and enhances the immune system and acts as a stimulant to the liver to release toxins.

If you like to know more about orgonite, see our orgonite post about the benefits, uses, and properties.

Large amethyst orgonite baoding balls on display stand

Amethyst Orgonite Baoding Balls

Amethyst is a variety of Quartz and is a very common crystal, found in many locations around the world and in many forms, from enormous geodes to small clusters. It is also an extremely beautiful crystal and is often made into stunning jewelry. It is the presence of manganese in Amethyst that gives it its purple color, and additional amounts of iron produces stones of deeper hues. Amethyst has been prized, and even revered throughout human history as a stone of great beauty and strong vibrational qualities bringing great benefits to the wearer.

Metaphysical Applications of Amethyst
One of the qualities of amethyst is its ability to enhance creativity and to assist endeavors that utilize existing tools or methods to create new and unique artifacts or ideas. It is a talisman for poets, artists and composers. Amethyst is also known as the universal healer because of its remarkable effectiveness in healing plants, humans and animals. Try placing an amethyst cluster in a place where your pet refuses to sit and see how long it takes to make a difference! You may be surprised. It is also a helpful crystal for gardeners and plant lovers as it will encourage plants to grow in barren areas as well as stimulating healthy growth in existing specimens.

Amethyst protects against psychic attack, ill-wishing, negative thoughts or intentions and unwanted entities in your etheric field. It simply transmutes the negativity and sends it back to the earth for transmutation.

Amethyst is also an excellent tranquilizer, assisting in the transmission of neural signals in the brain. It will soothe and calm anxious minds as well as bringing relief from insomnia or hyperactivity.

Amethyst is the stone of faithful lovers and of St Valentine and is sometimes known as the “couple’s stone” because it gives meaning to relationships over lengthy periods of time. Wear as an engagement or eternity ring to encourage fidelity, or as a locket to call back lost love.

Feng Shui and Amethyst
Amethyst utilizes fire energy and brings warmth and enthusiasm to spaces in the home or workplace. Fire energy is Yang in essence meaning that it induces passion and movement, both physical and emotional when placed in the south area of a room or home.

Using Amethyst to Enhance Spiritual Awareness
Amethyst is a remarkable crystal and is much loved for its ability to amplify feelings of contentment and peace, even in our busy modern world. It is a very spiritual stone, aligned closely with the third eye chakra and the qualities of clear sightedness and psychic clairvoyance.

Use amethyst to stimulate your own psychic abilities by placing it on the brow during relaxation and meditation. Call upon Archangel Uriel to help you to open your third eye in a safe way for you. Amethyst is a natural protector and its high vibration will help to purify your aura and protect you against negative or harmful influences.

Amethyst is also associated with humility and devotion to the divine and to spirit, making it highly conducive to meditations on the higher planes. If you wish to strengthen your bond with the divine, or the angelic realms, use amethyst crystals to cleanse and purify your space before entering into prayer or meditation.

Healing with Amethyst
Amethyst is reputed to have a tempering effect on all kinds of addiction related disorders. The Romans believed that drinking from a cup studded with amethysts would ensure that the drinker did not suffer from intoxication. It is a very balanced stone and can help those who wish to give up any form of addictive behavior, from drug taking to gambling.

Amethyst boosts the endocrine glands and has a beneficial effect on hormones, keeping their production in balance and the body at optimum performance levels. It can aid in the treatment of arthritis and reduces swelling and bruising. It also supports the digestive tract, heart and stomach.

If you like to know more about orgonite, see our orgonite post about the benefits, uses, and properties.

Aquamarine quartz orgonite baoding balls on display stand

Aquamarine Quartz Orgonite Baoding Balls

The beautiful pale blue of aquamarine shows its natural affinity with the sea. It evokes the crystalline waters and relaxation of the Mediterranean, and is closely aligned with all forms of communication between people due to its resonance with the Throat Chakra.

Metaphysical Applications of Aquamarine
In a metaphysical context Aquamarine has many uses. It is calming and reassuring to both mind and spirit and is especially useful for opening up channels of communication with the spiritual realms. If you find that your spiritual truths are being scorned or dismissed by others, use Aquamarine as a pendant or choker to facilitate understanding in others of your words and feelings.

Ancient seers believed this stone to be aligned with the energies of the moon, and it is true that the vibration from Aquamarine has a distinctly feminine, Yin energy. This makes it ideal for connecting with any of the female deities, with the Devic Kingdom and with the Angel Haniel. Its connection to the magnetic pull of the moon also gives Aquamarine a magnetic quality of its own. Set your intention when meditating with Aquamarine and the crystal will begin to draw the necessary truths, messages and conditions towards you.

In addition to the natural powers of the moving waters of the sea, Aquamarine relates to the movement of heavenly bodies as reflected in the water. Use it to enhance astrological and planetary work as well as soul searching and journeys on the metaphysical plane to seek the soul’s destiny or life purpose.

Feng Shui and Aquamarine
Water energy is the driving force behind the resonances of Aquamarine. This is the energy of stillness, purification and strength as well as of dynamic powerful action when this is necessary. Place Aquamarine crystals in the North area of the home to encourage both quiet contemplation and decisive action once your direction is clear.

Using Aquamarine to Enhance Spiritual Awareness
The Throat Chakra needs to be clear and in balance in order to give a “voice” to the other Chakras, so it is especially useful to work on keeping this Chakra open and healthy. Aquamarine will help to do this if you use it in Chakra balancing and cleansing rituals. The throat is the root of verbal communication, but also of spiritual messages and connections. Aquamarine will help to form a bridge with other worldly beings, especially those of a feminine vibration. This crystal is a source of empowerment for both men and women, and will help everyone to see that force that is not the only way to achieve results in some situations. It helps to show that power also comes from aligning ourselves with the yielding, flexible yet resilient forces of life.

Healing with Aquamarine
Aquamarine is believed to ease conditions of the nose and throat, the respiratory tract and the lungs. It helps with hay fever and allergies that affect the breathing, bronchitis and congestion. Aquamarine is a cooling stone, making it useful for countering infections and bringing down fevers.

If you like to know more about orgonite, see our orgonite post about the benefits, uses, and properties.

Orgonite pyramids

Orgonite Baoding Balls

These days it is impossible to visit a Mind, Body, Spirit Fair, or similar event, without being drawn to tables piled high with decorative pyramids and other shapes which at first glance look like paperweights. These are, in fact orgone pyramids and are in great demand because of the way they can be put to multiple use and produce all kinds of benefits.

Orgonite is a substance made from metals, quartz and resin and it has the extraordinary ability to balance bio-energy, otherwise referred to as Chi, Prana or Life Energy. Because the elements contained within an organite object consist of organic and non-organic matter they are constantly attracting and repelling energy simultaneously. This leads to a cleansing effect that is quite powerful, almost like scrubbing, which in turn clears out stagnant and negative energies, allowing positive, healthy, vibrant energies to enter.

Our new orgonite baoding balls bring the orgone energy system together with the practice and use of baoding balls. The two practices have some overlapping properties that synergize together for a joint effect while having their own distinct benefits.

Benefits of Organite

The beneficial effects of orgonite tend to differ from individual to individual, often depending on how sensitive you are to negative vibrations and energies. Some people feel a warm, tingling “charge” from the object almost immediately. Others may feel the changes in energy and atmosphere after a few hours or days.

Some of the benefits of orgonite include: 

  • Better quality, more restful sleep
  • Increased energy levels
  • More balanced moods 
  • Stronger immune systems and increased resistance to diseases. 
  • Amplified and enhanced psychic abilities
  • Increased awareness and openness to the spiritual realms.
  • Increased resistance to the draining effects of electric and magnetic waves or fields. 

Uses for Orgonite

Orgonite is most commonly used by people who wish to protect themselves from the negative effects of magnetic or electrical waves or fields. Over exposure to these emissions can leave many people feeling tired, irritable and lethargic. Orgonite can help to clear the atmosphere and refresh the energy and air quality of your home or workplace. 

Orgonite can also help in deepening meditative states in some people and in creating the right conditions for spiritual practices and healing. 

Balanced or Unbalanced Orgonite Energy

In Tai Chi or Qigong terms this balance or imbalance in energy in known as sick/stagnant Chi vs healthy, flowing Chi. You have only to consider the difference in the quality of the air around waterfalls or mountain tops compared with the air within a stuffy building or a polluted street to see that human beings are naturally far happier in a “clean” environment. Orgonite objects aid in the cleansing of the air and in improving the ease with which energy flows around and into us. If you combine the use of orgonite with regular practice of Tai Chi, Qigong, Yoga or similar Eastern exercise methods you should experience an immediate uplift in your moods and emotions as well as an improvement in your breathing and bodily flexibility.  

The Meridian and Chakra Systems of the Human Body

Orgone travels throughout the body along channels known as meridians in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Blockages at points along these channels can lead to a buildup of stagnant energy and a feeling of discomfort of dis-ease. Orgonite can be used in acupressure sessions to remove and clear these blockages. It can be used in much the same way when performing a chakra cleanse or balance. In the case of chakra clearing we work with the seven main energy centers from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. 

These exercises and techniques are widely practiced by many people at home, through their interest in, and knowledge of the ancient systems of energetic flow. Many therapists and other holistic practitioners may offer an orgone balance if one is interested.

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