The Art of Chinese Yin Yang Baoding Ball Performance

The Art of Chinese Yin Yang Baoding Ball Performance

Did you know watching baoding balls can be calming too? Relax and enjoy watching this very skilled baoding ball performance called The Art of Chinese Yin Yang Baoding Ball. You’ll see some amazing baoding ball techniques rarely seen.

Notable Sections of the Performance

0:10 – 3 Ball Rotation

0:50 – 3 Ball Line Rotation

1:25 – 4 Ball Rotation

2:05 – 4 Ball Pyramid Rotation

3:25 – 5 Ball Pyramid Rotation

4:50 – 4 Ball Circular Movement

 7:00 – 7 Balls with Two Hands

 8:10 – 10 Balls with Two Hands

 9:30 – 8 Balls Pyramid

 11:45 – 7 Balls One Hand

 12:35 – 10 Balls


Monk meditating on a mountain

3 Tips for Meditating With Baoding Balls

Meditation is a great way to train your brain to focus and avoid unwanted thinking on stressful thoughts. It can help you clam and reduce stress from overthinking. To do that, you have to have your mind focus on something you can experience at the moment. Here are some ways to do that:

Focus on the Movement
When meditating with Baoding Balls it is best to start by concentrating on achieving a smooth and easy movement of the balls in your hand. Rotate the balls around in the palm of one hand until they begin to feel comfortable and familiar. At this stage you will probably like to watch the balls rotating but as you become more proficient you may also wish to close your eyes to add to the relaxation of the meditation exercise.

Focus on the rotation of the balls. Try pacing the rotation to be smooth and consistent. Challenge yourself to rotate the balls without them touching each other. While your concentration is trained on this aspect of their use, your mind has no room to worry about anything else, or to drift off into random thoughts.

Focus on the Sound
You can also use the chiming and clicking sounds of the baoding balls as a point of focus for a busy mind. Sit comfortably when you meditate and support the wrist of the hand you are using to hold the therapy balls by resting it on your thigh or the arm of a chair. Breathe in a relaxed and rhythmical way then take your awareness to the sound that the balls make as you manipulate them. Experiment with the sounds to see if you are able to lower or raise the pitch and tone produced. Your mind will begin to quieten and still as you focus on the chiming sounds and your meditative practice will be more beneficial.

Guide the Breath
Successful meditation relies on controlling your breath so that your body and your mind become still, quiet and relaxed. If you practice Tai Chi and Qigong you may already know that baoding balls can be used during the performance of many routines to enhance the physical benefits of the exercises. You may also be familiar with the practice of guiding the breath through the lao gong point in the hands. Use the baoding balls in a similar way by visualizing the breath entering the lungs on the first rotation and exiting on the next. The balls themselves can become conduits for guiding the breath once you have become comfortable with the visualization process. Some people like to use different colors to represent the in and the out breath and if you use decorated or colored balls in your meditation this can add another dimension to the enjoyment of the exercise.

Orgonite pyramids

Orgonite Baoding Balls

These days it is impossible to visit a Mind, Body, Spirit Fair, or similar event, without being drawn to tables piled high with decorative pyramids and other shapes which at first glance look like paperweights. These are, in fact orgone pyramids and are in great demand because of the way they can be put to multiple use and produce all kinds of benefits.

Orgonite is a substance made from metals, quartz and resin and it has the extraordinary ability to balance bio-energy, otherwise referred to as Chi, Prana or Life Energy. Because the elements contained within an organite object consist of organic and non-organic matter they are constantly attracting and repelling energy simultaneously. This leads to a cleansing effect that is quite powerful, almost like scrubbing, which in turn clears out stagnant and negative energies, allowing positive, healthy, vibrant energies to enter.

Our new orgonite baoding balls bring the orgone energy system together with the practice and use of baoding balls. The two practices have some overlapping properties that synergize together for a joint effect while having their own distinct benefits.

Benefits of Organite

The beneficial effects of orgonite tend to differ from individual to individual, often depending on how sensitive you are to negative vibrations and energies. Some people feel a warm, tingling “charge” from the object almost immediately. Others may feel the changes in energy and atmosphere after a few hours or days.

Some of the benefits of orgonite include: 

  • Better quality, more restful sleep
  • Increased energy levels
  • More balanced moods 
  • Stronger immune systems and increased resistance to diseases. 
  • Amplified and enhanced psychic abilities
  • Increased awareness and openness to the spiritual realms.
  • Increased resistance to the draining effects of electric and magnetic waves or fields. 

Uses for Orgonite

Orgonite is most commonly used by people who wish to protect themselves from the negative effects of magnetic or electrical waves or fields. Over exposure to these emissions can leave many people feeling tired, irritable and lethargic. Orgonite can help to clear the atmosphere and refresh the energy and air quality of your home or workplace. 

Orgonite can also help in deepening meditative states in some people and in creating the right conditions for spiritual practices and healing. 

Balanced or Unbalanced Orgonite Energy

In Tai Chi or Qigong terms this balance or imbalance in energy in known as sick/stagnant Chi vs healthy, flowing Chi. You have only to consider the difference in the quality of the air around waterfalls or mountain tops compared with the air within a stuffy building or a polluted street to see that human beings are naturally far happier in a “clean” environment. Orgonite objects aid in the cleansing of the air and in improving the ease with which energy flows around and into us. If you combine the use of orgonite with regular practice of Tai Chi, Qigong, Yoga or similar Eastern exercise methods you should experience an immediate uplift in your moods and emotions as well as an improvement in your breathing and bodily flexibility.  

The Meridian and Chakra Systems of the Human Body

Orgone travels throughout the body along channels known as meridians in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Blockages at points along these channels can lead to a buildup of stagnant energy and a feeling of discomfort of dis-ease. Orgonite can be used in acupressure sessions to remove and clear these blockages. It can be used in much the same way when performing a chakra cleanse or balance. In the case of chakra clearing we work with the seven main energy centers from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. 

These exercises and techniques are widely practiced by many people at home, through their interest in, and knowledge of the ancient systems of energetic flow. Many therapists and other holistic practitioners may offer an orgone balance if one is interested.

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