Picture of hand refusing cigarettes

Baoding Balls May Help You Quit Smoking

I’ve noticed several customers have purchased baoding balls as an aide to help quit smoking. They either purchased them themselves or a loving friend bought them as a gift for someone trying to quit. Several customers have successfully quit smoking and told us baoding balls helped them. While quitting smoking is hard, it does make sense baoding balls can be a tool to combat the urge to smoke.

Keep the Hands Busy

We had several people tell us they wanted something to keep their hands busy. Smokers have developed a lifetime habit of holding an object in their hands and moving it back and forth from their mouth. Like cracking your knuckles, you’re just used to doing it all the time. Baoding balls can possibly replace that habit with another so you don’t feel the need to hold a cigarette.

Distract the Mind from Cravings

While you work with baoding balls, your mind is focused on the balls. An idle mind leads to cravings, but a busy mind will be less likely to. Ever been so busy you forgot to eat lunch?

It’s Calming and Good for Stress

Another reason baoding balls can assist in quitting smoking is the calming and stress reliving effects. Nicotine withdrawal causes anxiety and stress and something to help combat those feelings can help.

There’s no cure for smoking, and maybe you have tried before to quit. While Smokefree.gov has a more complete guide on quitting, they do recommend keeping your hands busy and staying relaxed among other tips. Keep trying, have a plan, and don’t give up.

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