Baoding Balls in the Movies

Sometimes our visitors have told us they saw baoding balls in a movie or show. It’s interesting to see famous actors using baoding balls. Here are some of the movies that baoding balls have been spotted in. If you have seen baoding balls in other movies or shows, let us know!

Extraction (2020)

A dangerous risky rescue mission into crime lord territory can be very stress full. Golshifteh Farahani stars with Chris Hemsworth and uses baoding balls to keep her cool when things begin to go wrong. Seen at the 29 minute mark.

The Adventurers (2017)

Even Leon the Professional needs to stay calm and stress free. Not a professional hit man, but Jean Reno plays a cop who is in dire need of stress relief trying to catch an evasive target, Andy Lau, in this Chinese movie.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D (2017)

Aliens use baoding balls as weapons? They are known to be used in martial arts but this is a new take.

Tron: Legacy (2010)

Clu from the movie Tron using baoding balls

Jeff Bridges as Clu using Clu balls to control gravity. This is a cool baoding ball design with the lighted stripe around the center.

Open Season 3 (2010)

Animated baoding balls! Fifi uses baoding balls to calm down when the TV isn’t working.

Boyz n the Hood (1991)

Laurence Fishburne using baoding balls in the movie Boyz n the Hood

Laurence Fishburne using some large baoding balls while having a father and son chat.

The Caine Mutiny (1954)

Humphrey Bogart using small pocket sized baoding balls throughout this classic movie as Capt. Queeg. This is a famous courtroom scene.

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